Every month I get a newsletter from my son’s middle school. It’s a PDF with small print that uses highlighting and color to convey points. I can barely read it without zooming in and scrolling back and forth because of the text size, and I find the colors distracting and sometimes headache-inducing. I suspect some […]
Main Content
Welcome to Inclusively
Interested in inclusive and antiracist parenting and multicultural education? We provide recommendations on toys, books, games, and more. We also develop teaching and learning resources and share tools, tips, and commentary on raising your kids for the 21st century.Check out the blog
Read our manifesto
Are you inadvertently participating in white supremacist culture?
You may have heard someone—maybe a cultural commentator on a news show, an activist writing on a blog, or a stranger commenting on Facebook—declare that we live in “a white supremacist society” or “a white supremacist culture.”
Multicultural play and learning through food
Making and playing with food with your kids is a terrific way to learn about the world.
After Charlottesville, what can parents and teachers do?
The “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 12, as well as the torchlit march the evening before the rally, revealed what some might call the ugly underbelly of American culture—and what others deem its very foundation: a commitment to white supremacy and the exclusion, suppression, and hatred of others. Worse, by commenting […]